What are lists and how can I use them?

What are lists?

The correction platform offers teachers the possibility to insert self-made lists that include, for instance, common mistakes, academic vocabulary or conjunctions.

How can I use lists?

Lists can be used in two different ways:

  • Before the correction of the text, the teacher can use these lists in order to skim the student’s text and to obtain (statistical) feedback on the number of academic words present in the text or in order to know how many conjunctions are being used in the text.

  • The teacher can choose to give the students access to these lists so that they can skim their own texts and correct the common mistakes or even edit their texts in order to improve the academic level before submitting the final version.

In both cases the words from the lists will be highlighted in different colours and a tooltip showing a comment will appear, as you can see in the image above. As a teacher you decide which word lists your students have access to. Is the assignment a simple writing exercise? Then the teacher might want to grant access to the common mistakes list. Is the assignment a very specific writing exercise in which students have to use formal or academic vocabulary? Then the teacher may decide to let them use the academic vocabulary list. Is the assignment a writing test? Then the teacher may exclude students from using the lists. By keeping the use of word lists for himself the teacher will be able to correct the assignments more quickly and easily.

How can I select which word lists are to be used?

When the teacher adds an assignment, he will be able to select the word lists that are to be used by teachers and students by simply ticking the boxes of the correct word lists. The word lists that appear are those which have been labeled with the language you teach (the language of the word list is one of the settings of the word list which can be changed by clicking the word list in the word list overview).

How can I add a word list?

As a teacher you can simply add word lists by clicking add a word list in the word lists overview. Insert a title for the word list as well as a brief description and finally select the correct language. Copy your word list and paste it in the box. Select save or save and close. The word lists have to be made in Microsoft Excel using a specific formula.

How can I edit a word list?

As a teacher you can edit your word lists at any time. This means for instance that you can add new entries to your word lists of common mistakes after correcting the assignments. By doing so your word lists will be a dynamic instrument not only for the students offering them more feedback before submitting their text but also for the teacher who will be able to speed up the correction process as more errors or specific vocabulary will be highlighted. To edit a word list just select the word list you want to edit in the word lists overview. Copy and paste new entries in the box or correct the words you already inserted. In the end press save or save and close to finish your work.

How can I make a word list in Excel?

As an example let’s have a look at how to make a list of common spelling mistakes: In your Excel worksheet you have to insert the common spelling mistake in the first column (A1), followed by the comment you want to make about this word in the next column (B1).  For Example, in cell A1 you enter wether, and in cell B1 The correct spelling of this conjunction is whether. In column C insert the formula =A1 & "|" & B1. This will concatenate column A & B, resulting in wether|The correct spelling of this conjunction is whether. Extend this formula to as many rows as necssary.